الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013

If Only People Took Their Medicines, We'd Save Billions

Clinical Pharmacy

Imagine a world where everybody took their medicines and doctors prescribed only generic medications (when available)? According to a report by CVS Caremark, America would save billions of dollars every year.

The new report - 2013 State of the States: Adherence Report - suggests that the American health care system would save a fortune in medical costs if drug adherence rates improved.

In medicine, drug adherence, also known as drug compliance or concordance, refers to the degree to which a patient correctly follows the doctor's advice when receiving a prescription. If the drug is to be taken three times a day before meals for seven days, and the patient does exactly that, then drug adherence is 100%.

The authors of the report used data from the 2012 CVS Caremark PBM (pharmacy benefit management) book of business. The report estimates what the potential savings would be in each state after analyzing medication adherence rates, as well as the usage of generic drugs prescribed for four physical and mental health conditions:

high blood pressure (hypertension)
high cholesterol (dyslipidemia)
clinical depression

According to the authors "The potential cost-savings among the states range from $19 million to $2.1 billion based on state member characteristics."

The report also shows the difference in adherence across the pharmacy benefit marketplace. The authors looked at three different market segments serviced by employer-sponsored plans, Medicare Part D PDPs (prescription drug plans), and CVS Caremark's PBM business health plans.

Huge savings by switching to generic medications

If doctors switched from brand names to similar generic cheaper medications the USA would save $13.4 billion. Most patients on the more expensive brand names have never tried generic alternatives, Troyen Brennan, executive vice president and chief medical officer of CVS Caremark said.

Across all US states, the savings range from a whopping $2.1 billion in Texas to $19 million in Wyoming.

Below is an estimate of savings that could be made in ten states if patients switched to generics:

Texas - $1.4 billion
California - $1.2 billion
New Jersey - $0.837 billion
Pennsylvania - $0.734 billion
New York - $0.716 billion
Tennesee - $0.651 billion
Florida - $0.579 billion
Illinois - $0.549 billion
Ohio - $0.545 billion
Massachusetts - $0.529 billion

If 80% of patients went themselves to pick up their prescriptions there would be a saving of $6.5 billion every year.

CVS Caremark says it has stores, and many of them, something that other pharmacy benefit managers do not have. This places it in a unique position regarding affecting what patients do. CVS Caremark can combine prescription management data with data provided at the pharmacy counter.

Enormous savings by improving drug adherence

CVS Caremark says that talking to the patient face-to-face at the pharmacy can achieve a great deal more than a sealed envelope or even a phone call.

CVS Caremark's chief health strategy and marketing officer, Helena Foulkes, said "The PBM has lended data and insights. But what PBMs lack are relationships. They don't have any face-to-face relationships. When you can marry data and insight with face-to-face data that's when you get a huge multiplier effect."

The figures below represent what ten states could be saving each year if there were better drug adherence among patients:

Texas - $686 million
California - $652 million
Tennesee - $390 million
Massachusetts - $310 million
Pnnsylvania - $281 million
South Carolina - $281 million
New York - $276 million
New Jersey - $265 million
Ohio - $261 million
Florida - $260 million

Researchers from the Institute for Healthcare Informatics reported earlier this month that the US health care system overspends by $200 billion because of medication misuse.

The report stated that overspending is caused by medication non-adherence, delayed evidence-based treatment practice, medication errors, underusing generic drugs, misuse ofantibiotics, and mismanagement of polypharmacy (multiple medications).

Switching all HIV patients to generic medications would save nearly $42,500 per person per year, researchers reported in Annals of Internal Medicine in January 2013.

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How Dental Implants Work

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a clever way of replacing missing teeth, or equally as a means of treating loose dentures where they provide stability for a set of false teeth. Moreover, implants can also be used to replace a single missing tooth or indeed, they could support a complete set of replacement teeth for a toothless jaw. Yet another use for Implants is to act as anchors in supporting a fixed dental bridges. In short, Dental Implants are a wonderful alternative to your natural teeth when problems arrive, and threaten the quality of your life.

Dental Implants – The Fitting Procedures:Your family dentist will refer you to an DentalSpecialist like an Oral Surgeon, or perhaps a Peridontist or maybe a combination of the two (if they are unable to perform the procedure themselves). The fitting process requires a great deal of skill and knowledge on a dental professionals’ part as they are operating in confined space. Surgery is then done at the dental office using a local anesthetic, unless there are potential complications such as high blood pressure. Each implant screw is surgically positioned within the bone to act as an anchor or receiver for eventually supporting the manufactured replacement tooth. Typically, four to six months then passes as the bone grows around the implant thereby holding it firmly in place. Once your dentist is happy that the bone has healed and firmly adhered around the implant, a small attachment called an implant abutment is screwed into the top of each implant.

The purpose of the implant abutment is to act as an anchor for the replacement tooth as it protrudes through the gum-line. Time must pass for gums to heal. Then your dentist can take an impression of the Dental Abutment, and the rest of your mouth, so that the dental laboratory can skillfully fabricate a new tooth. The final step is to fit your newly made tooth on top of the abutment and that is normally the end of the process.

Tips for Caring for your new Dental Implants:As with all post-operative periods, common sense and a good understanding of the work that has been carried out for you is paramount. Listen carefully to the advice your Dental Professional gives you, and carefully read and memorize any handouts presented to you. Correct oral care must be followed such as brushing and flossing after every meal, or at least when rising or going to bed. Remember, you have invested hard-earned money in your new dental implant and it will give you many years of use if cared for properly.

Benefits and Advantages of Dental Implants:• Dental Implants have a good reputation for providing reliable and long-standing service. You should expect 20 years or more with few, if any complications.
• Improved self-esteem.
• Excellent biting pressure.
• Good comfort and fit because they are well secured and integrated with your bone and gums.

Your first consultation should include a list of questions asked by your dental professional and you may have a few of your own too. Do not be shy to ask however silly these may seem. Knowledge is the first step to a successful dental implant – with a care, a new tooth for life too.

Register here For more information & diplomas
Contacts: 9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
Cell phone: (+2) 01143050023
Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

ضرس العقل شبح الأسنان

شبح الاسنان
بالرغم من صغر حجم الأسنان وتوضعها في فتحه لا تتعدى السانتيمترات الا ان المشكلات المتعلقه بها كثيره  فكان لطبيب الأسنان لغه دقيقه جدا في معرفة المشكله وحلها بشكل نهائي ضمن اطار زمني قصير المده ويحتل ضرس العقل مرتبه متقدمه على اعتباره السن لكونه الأكثر تعقيداً وعدم موافقة مشكلاته لتسميته . 
فذاك الضرس البعيد عن المنطق بعدا شاسعا والذي لا يعني بروزه اننا تخلصنا من آفات التهور وليالي الطيش ، والذي اختلف بشأنه  الكثير من علماء طب الأسنان حول حقيقة تواجده في الفك وما اذا كان له فائده وظيفيه تعود علينا سواءا على المدى القريب او البعيد لتتعدد تصنيفاته وما يتبعها من مشاكل و آلام لا حصر لها . 
ما هو ضرس العقل 

يعزى السبب وراء تسمية  ضرس العقل بهذا الاسم الى ان بزوغه في فترة الرشد اي ما بين سن السابعة عشره وحتى الثانيه والعشرين ، وهو الضرس الثالث الذي ياتي بعد الطاحونه الأولى والثانيه من حيث الترتيب في الفك الا انه لا يمكننا ان نعتبره من الأضراس الطاحنه  لعدم قدرته على آداء هذه الوظيفه  ويعود السبب في ذلك الى ان مضغ الطعام يرتكز على الطاحونتين الاولى والثانيه ولا يصل الى ضرس العقل الا بقايا الطعام التي تتراكم هناك مما يجعله عرضه للتسوسات والالتهابات التي تستدعي قلعه بأسرع وقت ممكن .
تتعدد الأسباب التي تتطلب التخلص من ضرس العقل وقلعه  تفاديا لأي عواقب وخيمه وآلام شديدة وتتلخص المشكلات بما يلي : 
-  عدم وجود مسافه كافيه في الفك السفلي او العلوي تعطي مجالا لهذا الضرس لكي ينمو ويبزغ مما يؤدي الى حدوث مضاعفات تتمثل في الضغط على الضرس المجاور له والتسبب بالألم الشديد على مستوى الفك بأكمله او يمتد ليصل الى الأذن والعنق وقد يؤثر الألم في منطقة الرأس . 
هنا يجب ان ننوه الى ان تزاحم الأسنان الاماميه مشكله يعاني منها الكثير من الناس وخاصة بعد بلوغ سن العشرين وقد يستمر هذا التزاحم مع التقدم في ولكن يُعد الأمرطبيعيا نتيجه لعدة عوامل اختلف العلماء في صحتها فالنظريه القديمه تلوم اضراس العقل لبزوغها في هذه الفتره العمريه لتضغط على الاسنان وتسبب تزاحمها ، فشاع خلع أضراس العقل كثيرا كاجراء روتيني يحد ويمنع من هذا التزاحم ، الا ان تطور العلم أتى بعدة آبحاث ودراسات اثبتت ان السبب الحقيقي وراء هذه المشكله لا يعود لأضراس العقل وانما الى طريقة نمو الوجه والفكين وخاصة الفك السفلي والذي يستمر نموه الى ما بعد سن العشرين ، كما ان نمو الأنسجه المحيطه بعظم الفك والاسنان تعتبر العامل المساعد الآخر المؤدي الى  تزاحم الأسنان وعدم استقرارها . 

-  عدم بزوغ الضرس بشكل كامل (البزوغ الجزئي) فيكون الجزء الأكبر منه مطمورا في اللثه ويعود السبب في ذلك الى عدم توفر المساحه الكافيه لبزوغه كما ان التحام ضرس العقل بالعظم المحيط به  يمنعه من البزوغ بالشكل الصحيح، وهنا يأتي ما يدعى  بالبيريكورونايتيس (pericoronitis) وهي حاله من التهاب اللثه البكتيري حول ضرس العقل المطمور جزئيا  يصاحبها تكون جيب لثوي يمتلئ بالجير وبقايا الطعام كما ان كثرة الاطباق قد تتسبب في التهاب اللثه اثناء عملية المضغ  فتتفاقم هذه الحاله لتصل الى درجات متقدمه من الألم  يتبعها خروج قيح  لثوي وعدم القدره على فتح الفم. 

 نمو ضرس العقل بشكل غير طبيعي اما افقيا او راسيا ، بحيث يكون محور النمو او البزوغ مائلا عن مستوى الاطباق الصحيح وهذا بدوره يؤدي الى حدوث التهابات شديده في منطقة المحور والضغط على المناطق المجاوره ،

وهنا يجب ان ننوه ان هناك عدة تصنيفات وضعها علماء طب الأسنان  تتعلق بكيفية وجود برعم ضرس العقل داخل عظم الفك وبنموه وبزوغه بعد ذلك  . 
ان بزوغ أضراس العقل على احد الأشكال الآنف ذكرها لن يتغير وسيبقى على حاله ما تبقى من العمر ، سواء أكان مائلا او مطمورا او حتى وان بزغ بشكل طبيعي كباقي الاسنان . 
-  انطمار ضرس العقل الكلي وانغماسه بشكل تام ، يتم الكشف عنه في هذه الحاله عن طريق اشعة البانوراما ويصاحبه تكوين اكياس تحتوي على سائل او ظهور اورام خطيره عند ضرس العقل المنغرز مؤديه الى تدمير جذور الاسنان المجاوره وعظام الفك  ،
جميع هذه الحالات التي يكون عليها ضرس العقل تستدعي خلعه الذي لا يُعد اجراءاً بسيطاً بل على العكس تماما فعملية الخلع تحتاج لطبيب مختص يمتلك باع من الخبرات والالمام بجميع المشاكل و الحالات التي يمكن ان يكون عليها هذا الضرس وتحديدا ما اذا كان في حالة الانغماس الكلي او ذا جذور قريبه من القناه المغذيه للفك السفلي  ، فكل هذه الأشياء يمكن ان تتسبب بحدوث خلل دائم نحن في غنى عنه كشلل الوجه النصفي وغيره ، كما ان نسبة حدوث المضاعفات بعد قلع ضرس العقل اكثر بكثير من نسبة حدوثها بعد قلع اي ضرس آخر ويمكن ان نلخص هذهالمضاعفات كما يأتي :
النزيف لمدة طويلة:  هناك عدة طرق يستطيع بها الطبيب التحكم في عملية النزيف لكن ينبغي العلم انه من الطبيعي ان تختلط بعض الدماء باللعاب بعد عملية القلع و قد تصل الى فترة تقارب 72 ساعة الا ان الحقيقة ان عملية النزيف تتوقف تماما خلال 8 ساعات بعد الجراحة.
 - التورم : و يعتمد حجم التورم على مقدار التدخل الجراحي و كمية تدمير الانسجة المحيطة.
-  التهاب السنخ الجاف والذي يعرف بال(dry socket) : وهو ظاهره مؤلمه تشيع الاصابة لها بعد ايام قليله من خلع ضرس العقل السفلي ويعزى السبب في حدوثها الى تأخر عملية تجلط الدم في تلك المنطقه بعد الخلع مما يؤدي الى حدوث نوبات من الألم الشديده والغير محتمله .

يُوصى المريض باتباع عدد من الارشادات الخاصه بعد عماية خلع ضرس العقل  للتخفيف من حدة الأعراض المرافقة أو تجنبها ومنها :  

-  عدم البصق او المضمضه او غسل الفم لمدة 24 ساعه بعد الخلع لتجنب حدوث النزيف .  
-  وضع قطعه من الشاش المعقم والعض عليها لمدة ساعتين ، وعدم العبث بمكان الخلع بعد ازالتها .
- الامتناع عن التدخين وشرب او تناول الطعام الساخن ولمده تصل الى 24 ساعه على الأقل بعد الخلع . 
-  التزام المريض بتناول وشرب كل ما هو بارد بعد 6 ساعات من الخلع مع مراعاة مضغ الطعام على الجانب السليم .

اخيرا  نحن كأطباء اسنان نرى تلك الاسنان وكأنها لآلئ بيضاء ، نخشى  فقدانها ونبذل جهدنا لايجاد شتى الحلول  حتى لا نلجا الى قلعها ، الا ان هذه المحاولات تتوقف عند ضرس العقل ، ذاك الضرس الذي ليس له محلا من الاعراب ولا فائده تذكر والذي يُعد علاجه جريمة بحته ، فتوجب علينا ان نملي عليكم تلك الحقائق وما يتبعها من معلومات تتعلق بهذا  الضرس ليكون علاجه الأمثل والوحيد خلعه فقط .  


Contacts: 9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
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الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2013

دراسة: ثقوب الأسنان تحمي من بعض أنواع السرطان

ثقوب الاسنان

بسبب ارتفاع حمض "اللاكتيك" الذي يمنع نشوء الخلايا السرطانية وتطورها

قال باحثون بجامعة "بوفالو" الأميركية، إن الأشخاص الذين لديهم نخور أو ثقوب في الأسنان هم أقل عرضة للإصابة ببعض أنواع سرطان الرأس والرقبة.

ونقلت صحيفة البيان الإماراتية عن موقع "هلث داي نيوز"، أن "الأشخاص الذين لديهم نخور أكثر في الأسنان يقل خطر تعرضهم لسرطان الرأس والرقبة، والسبب هو أن البكتيريا الموجودة في النخور قد تكون حامية ضد الخلايا السرطانية".

الدراسة شملت 399 مريضاً بسرطان الرأس والرقبة، تمت مقارنتهم بـ 122 شخصاً غير مصابين بالسرطان، وظهر أن الأشخاص الذين لديهم نخور أكثر في الأسنان، هم أقل عرضة بنسبة 32% لسرطان الرأس والرقبة.

ونوهت ماين تيزال الباحثة المسؤولة عن الدراسة، أن "هذه النتائج لا تعني أنه ينبغي على الناس ترك النخور في أسنانهم تتطور أملا بالوقاية من السرطان".

يذكر أن نخور الأسنان تحدث بفعل ارتفاع تركيزات حمض "اللاكتيك"، الذي تنتجه الأسنان داخل تلك التجاويف والأجزاء المسوسة، حيث تبين أن هذا الحمض يقوم بدور فاعل في منع الخلايا السرطانية من النشوء والتطور.

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الأحد، 29 ديسمبر 2013

Bruxism or tooth grinding

Bruxism is an unconscious movement disorder of the jaws characterized by clenching and grinding of teeth. It is particularly important to the dentist because bruxism results in damage to the surface of teeth and dental restorations, and can induce headaches and TMJ pain.

Bruxism or tooth grinding
Bruxism can occur during sleep or in wakefulness. Awake bruxism is characterized by semi-voluntary clenching of the teeth during the day time. It is more commonly seen in females and is associated with life stresses and work pressure. Sleep bruxism does not show any gender pre-dominance and is classified as a sleep disorder.

Local/Peripheral factors:

Premature tooth contact – occlusal interference can become irritating and patients try to get rid of them by clenching and grinding the teeth, which can eventually become a habit.
Infants who rub their gums pads (before eruption of teeth) against each other may develop a habit of unconscious clenching later onBruxism or tooth grinding

Central Factors:
Transient arousal state – sleep bruxism is associated with ‘arousal response’, that is a sudden change in the depth of sleep during which the individual is at a lighter sleep stage. Increased muscular activity, heart rate and gross body movements accompany such a state.
Neurological disorder – a disturbance in the equilibrium between the direct and indirect output pathways from the basal ganglia in the brain, involved in coordination of movements, could be a possible cause of bruxism.
Obstructive sleep apnea- 3 to 5 % of people with this disorder may show sleep bruxism.
Use of certain drugs – Amphetamines and long term use of dopamine antagonists (such as in psychiatric patients) enhances daytime bruxism.
Smoking – nicotine in cigarettes stimulates central dopaminergic activity, which in the long term leads to bruxism.

Psychological factors:
Emotional disturbance – expression of anxiety, anger and aggression may lead to clenching and grinding of teeth
Mental stress and depressionBruxism or tooth grinding

Extensive occlusal wear facetsBruxism or tooth grinding
In extreme cases, loss of alveolar bone and mobile teeth
Pain and stiffness in masticatory, neck and shoulder muscles
Hypertrophy (enlargement) of masticatory muscles
Pain and instability in TMJ
Sleep hygiene: avoid consumption of coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol, and cigarettes 4 to 6 hours before bed. Also avoid watching television and heavy exercise before going to bed.
Correction of any premature tooth contact or defects in dental restorations.
Bite plate/night guard: a splint covering the occlusal surfaces at night maybe given to a patient with bruxism. It may not resolve the problem, but it will help prevent tooth wear.

Medication: a range of drugs has been suggested for pharmacological treatment such as Zolpiden, Anti-depressants (like amitriptilyne), Anti-convulsant agents (like gabapentine), Clonazepam, Dopaminergic agents (like bromocriptine), Muscle relaxants (like baclofen) and botulinum toxin (Botox).
Hypnotherapy: hypnosis is used to induce sufficient relaxation.
Biofeedback: it is a relaxation technique in which the patient observes and controls the physiological functions that are monitored by special equipment called EMG detector. The patient receives a training to detect their adverse jaw muscle activities and gradually becomes able to control them.


Aloe, F. (2009). Sleep Bruxism Treatment. Sleep Science. 2 (1), 49-54.

Schuurs, A. (2013). Pathology of Hard Dental Tissues. Sussex,UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 201-203.

Shetty, S. (2010). Bruxism: A Literature Reviw. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 10 (3), 141-148

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E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

traumatic dental injuries a manual

Download from here

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Contacts: 9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
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Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

Resin Bonded Bridges

Resin bonded bridge is a minimally invasive fixed dental prosthesis that is luted to tooth structures, primarily enamel, which relies on composite resin cements for retention.


Involves the use of single retainer
Abutment tooth maybe either mesial or distal
Less expensive, but limited to replacing one
missing tooth

One or more retainers are placed on either
side of the pontic
Differential movement of abutments can
result in bond failure
This design of bridge is indicated where
excursive movements on pontics cannot be avoided

Design is in two parts, keyed together by a
non-rigid attachment
Connector which may be either ready or laboratory-made,
permits movement of the two parts relative to each other in vertical direction mainly
Provides stress breaking action
Should be used in short spans and where opposing
proximal walls of abutment cant be prepared parallel
A combination of a conventional retainer at one end
and a resin-bonded retainer at the other end of the pontic
Indicated where one of the abutments is minimally restored,and a resin-bonded retainer is used at this site to conserve tooth tissue
The male part of the joint is often attached to the
resin-bonded retainer to simplify maintenance when de-bond occurs

Wing like retainers with perforations through them to enhance resin retention
Macromechanical retention +
silane coupling agent to produce
adhesion to metal

An electrolytic etching procedure for non-precious ceramic bonding alloys to provide a microporous surface that allows micromechanical interlock with the cement
Thinner wings and no perforations
VIRGINIA BRIDGE (Lost Salt Technique)
Salt crystals (150 to 250 μm) were incorporated into wax and removed in solution leaving cubic retentive pits
Produces roughness on the inner surface of the retainer
This was a time saving method and more retention is achieved compared to the technique of etching

A net like nylon mesh is placed over lingual surface of abutment teeth on the cast
It is then covered by wax, with the undersurface of the retainer becoming mesh like when retainer is cast
Advantages of Resin bonded bridges
Minimal tooth preparation

Beneficial incase of decay free teeth, large pulp chambers, slender lower incisors

Little need to provide temporary crown

Reduced chairside time; overall cost is minimal

Less destructiveness

Possible to upgrade to a conventional
bridge without detriment to health of
abutment teeth
Supra gingival margins

Mandatory for RBB

Soft tissue is undisturbed, facilitates plaque removal
Acceptance by the patient

Technique involves minimum of “injections” and “drilling”
Rebonding Possible
Disadvantages of Resin bonded bridges
High failure rate

More frequent debond as compared to conventional

Plaque may trap underneath this de-bonded retainer, which can result in carious destruction if undetected

Problems can occur with incisal shine-through of metal if an opaque cement is not used
— Occlusal interferences

Mostly retained by lingually placed metal flanges

Not possible to reduce abutment teeth sufficiently

Frequent problem when upper arch is involved
Redistrubution of space between pontic and abutment teeth

Limited tooth replacement

Small spans tend to be more successful than large ones
No Alignment correction

Unrestored/minimally restored teeth
Sufficient good quality enamel
Sufficient inter-occlusal space for retainers
Intermediate prosthesis prior to implants
Large pulp chamber/ young patients
Splinting periodontally compromised teeth
Maxillary incisor replacements
Single posterior tooth
Insufficient occlusal clearance
Deep vertical overbite
Thin and/or defective enamel
Short clinical crowns
Extensive loss of tooth structure
Parafunctional habits
Heavily restored teeth
Nickel sensitivity

Register here For more information & diplomas
Contacts: 9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
Cell phone: (+2) 01143050023
Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2013

Dental Implant in Smart Village

Dental Implant in Smart Village

2st Dental Implant Diploma @ Smart Village

دبلومة زراعة الأسنان بالقرية الذكية

إحترف زراعة الاسنان بشهادة دبلوم مهني معتمده دوليا مع د/محمد حسن نور – مدرس وإستشاري زراعة الاسنان – ماجيستير جراحة الفم والاسنان – دكتوراه جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين جامعة القاهرة.

شهادة الدبلوم معتمده دوليا من:

1- إتحاد الجامعات العربية

2- المجلس العربي للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي

3- إعتماد الشهادة من الجامعات التابعة لإتحاد الجامعات العربية ( جامعة القاهرة – جامعة حلوان -.....)

4- الخارجية المصرية

5- إعتماد الشهادة من سفارات الدول العربية والأوربية مصاريف إضافية

6- الخارجية البريطانية مصاريف إضافية

بالتعاون مع كلية فينكس للعلوم الطبية و أكاديمية أوكسفورد للعلوم

Diploma Accredited from:

- issued from Swedish Phoenix college for Medical Science - 120 Credit Hours

- AAU Association of Arab Universities.

- ACGSSR Arab Council for Graduate Studies& Scientific Research.

- Cairo university , Helwan university.

- The Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

- Governments& Embassies of All Arab& European Countries Extra-Fees.

- British Ministry of Foreign Affairs Extra-Fees.

Diploma Director:

Dr. mohammed Hassan

BDS,MSc,Phd faculty of oral and dental medicine, Cairo university lecturer and consultant of oral and maxillofaeial surgery, O6 university.

Dr. ahmed shawer

Consultant prosthontics advanced researches oral implantology Germany Member lcol.

Hands-on training

Demonstration of surgical kit –implant components

Implant placement in foam mandible.

Indirect impression technique.

Suturing techniques.

- Written Examination.

- Clinical stage of course starting from 1 Dec.

Clinical Work:

3 implants

Candidates will place 2 implants in patient& One implant Prosehesis included in course fees.

Diploma Type:

• Classroom.

• Online system:

o You can study from anywhere in the world via the Online System must attend one days practical.

o The online lectures are a live transmission of lectures at the same time as the center with enabling the participant to communicate with the lecturer by chat or voice during the lecture and also receiving video records of lectures on the next day of the lecture.

o We send books by express mail to students.


1- الحد الأقصي 25 طالب فقط

2- أخر ميعاد للحجز 2 / 2 /2014

3- طرق الحجز

• التسجيل بمقر القرية الذكية – مبني 2 شارع 23 - نادي القرية الذكية ( الجمعة من الساعة 10 صباحا – 4 مساءا / السبت من الساعة 10 صباحا – 6 مساءا ).

• التسجيل في مقر الشركة ( 9 شارع عباس العقاد – الدور الخامس – مدينة نصر - القاهرة ).

• التسجيل من خلال موقع الشركة الإلكتروني علي الأنترنت .

4- يتم دفع 50% دفعة حجز, 50% بحد أقصي يوم 2/2/2014

5- الأوراق المطلوبة للتسجيل

• صورة شهادة التخرج.

• صورة إثبات الشخصية .

• صورتين شخصيتين .


- Limited only for 25 candidates.

- Registration deadline 2/2/2014.

- Registration locations.

a. Smart village club – BLDG 2, ST.23 Friday from 10 AM – 4 PM ---- Saturday 10AM – 6 PM

b. SPC head office 9 Abbas El akkad St- 5th floor – nasr city

c. www.SPC-eg.com registration link.

4- 50% deposit -50% Before 2/2/2014

- Registration paper required.

a. Graduate Certificate copy

b. National ID copy

c. 2 Personal photos

Topics& Dates:

Date of start 6/2/2014

1st Day 6/2/2014

- Patient selection: Medical considerations- Clinical Examination intra and extra Oral - Radio-graphic examination - Cast examination.

- Osseointegration: biology-affecting factors-adjacent teeth and osseous architecture-Long term physiology of osseointegration.

- Anatomical considerations: Mandible-Maxilla.

2nd Day 7/2/2014

- Biomechanics of dental implants Introduction: History-Micro/Macro design-Types Of Implants.

- Treatment plan: Prosthetic options-estimation of ridge width-Surgical template-Implant selection-Provisional planning – financial considerations-patient information.

- Surgical techniques: loading protocols-patient preparation-instrumentation-Anesthesia techniques-Flap techniques-implant insertion-suturing-post operative Care-immediate implant placement-immediate loading-Flapless surgery.

- Soft tissue management: Incisional techniques- preservation of the papillae-Excisional techniques.

3rd Day 8/2/2014

- Horizontal bone augmentation Guided tissue regeneration- guided bone Regeneration.

- Sinus Floor elevation: Anatomy, pathology internal and external sinus lift Protocols.

- Inferior alveolar nerve transpositioning.

4th Day 9/2/2014

- Prosthodontic procedures: Emergence profile- Abutment selection-cement Retained prosthesis-screw retained prosthesis-restoration of single tooth Implant- Multiple tooth restoration-combined natural tooth/implant.

- Treatment of edentulous ridge: diagnosis-treatment plan-fixed full arch bridge Construction-implant supported overdenture ball-bar and clip.

- Implant Support Overdenture.

- Failures and complications.

مصاريف الدبلوم:

1- 8300 جنيها مصريا لأصحاب الجنسية المصرية.

2- 1350 دولار أمريكي لأصحاب الجنسيات الأجنبية بدون إقامة.

3- سعر خاص لتكاليف الإقامة مع برامج ترفيهية.

4- يمكن توفير تذاكر السفر.

Diploma Fees

-8300 LE for Egyptians.

-1350 $ for Foreigners.

-Special price for hotel reservation and entertainment programs.

-We can provide airline tickets.

Enjoy knowledge

Today learner tomorrow leader...See More

الثلاثاء، 24 ديسمبر 2013

Endodontic Diploma - Perfection in Endodontics

Endodontic Diploma - Perfection in Endodontics

احترف الان علاج الجذور من اي مكان فى العالم واحصل على شهادة دبلوم دوليه معتمده
Endodontic Diploma - Perfection in Endodontics

شهادة الدبلوم الصادره للخريجين تكون معتمدة من :-

1- جامعة القاهرة.
2- المجلس العربي للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي.
3- إتحاد الجامعات العربية.
4- الخارجية المصرية.
5- التعليم العالي السعودي ( مصاريف إضافية ).
6- إعتماد الشهادة من سفارات الدول العربية والأوربية ( مصاريف إضافية ).
7- مكتب الإستشارات الملكي البريطاني لإعتماد الجودة ( مصاريف إضافية ).
8- الخارجية البريطانية ( مصاريف إضافية ).
120 Credit Hours Accredited From:

1- ACGSSR (Arab Council for Graduate Studies & Scientific Research).
2- AAU (Association of Arab Universities).
3- Governments & Embassies of All Arab & European Countries (Extra-Fees).
4- The Saudi Ministry of Higher Education. (Extra-Fees).
5- RBCQA ( Royal British Council for Quality Accreditation ) (Extra-Fees).
6- The Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
7- Cairo University.
8-Available to be Accredited at British Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Extra-Fees).
9-Embassy of Kingdom of Sweden(Extra-Fees).

Diploma Director:
Dr Moataz Alkhawas
BDS, MSC &PhD in Endodontics
Lecturer of Endodontics
AL-Azhar University

Diploma Type:

• Classroom type.
• Online type:
• You can study from anywhere in the world via the Online System, but must attend practical & workshops in Cairo ( 4 Days at the end of diploma ).
• The online lectures are a live transmission of lectures at the same time as the center with enabling the participant to communicate with the lecturer by chat or voice during the lecture and also receiving video records of lectures on the next day of the lecture.
• We send books by express mail to students who are studying in the online system inside and outside Egypt.

Topics covered:
• Advanced clinical skills during diagnosis and treating the root canals using higher magnification (Dental Operating Microscopes).
• Complexity of root canal morphology of different teeth.
• Various types of root canals.
• New diagnostic modalities for detecting extra-canals.
• The latest technology to perform an ideal access cavity preparation.
• New modalities for working length determination.
• Rotary instrumentation versus hand instrumentation.
• Advancement in obturation techniques of the root canal system.
• How to diagnose an endodontic lesion.
• Emergency treatment in endodontic; concept and challenges.
• Management of different dental traumatic injuries.
• Endodontic-periodontal inter-relationship.
• How to avoid / deal with different endodontic mishaps.
• Concept and modalities for non-surgical retreatment of the root canal system.
• Preventive endodontic and the era of revascularization.
• Microsurgery versus traditional endodontic surgery.
• How to maximize the success of endodontic treatment.
• Pulp and periapical diseases as main cause for endodontic treatment.
• Isolation of the tooth/teeth that undergo endodontic treatment.

Workshops & Clinical Training:
− Enhancement of clinical skills using Dental Operating Microscope.
− Proper access cavity preparation
− Errors during access cavity preparation
− Working length determination
− Root canal preparation using rotary instruments.
− Errors during root canal preparation
− Different root canal obturation techniques
− Errors during root canal obturation
− Workshop: training on extracted teeth
− Rubber dam application
− Clinical work

− Each candidate will train on extracted teeth.

Clinical Work:
− Each candidate will treat 2 clinical cases using recent rotary instruments.

Diploma Fees:
− 9800 LE for Egyptian.
− 1900$ for Non-Egyptian (including hotel reservation).
− 1900$ for study by advanced online system (including hotel reservation).
− Fees can be paid in two installments

============= For register & Details: =============

Register here For more information & diplomas
Contacts: 9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
Cell phone: (+2) 01143050023
Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com